how to defrost Samsung fridge | how to fix?

how to defrost Samsung fridge | how to fix?

Defrosting your fridge (refrigerator) can be done in a simple way process that involves following a few steps. These include turning off the fridge (refrigerator), emptying all of its contents, and leaving the fridge (refrigerator) open for the ice to melt. However, when it comes to learning how to defrost your Samsung fridge (refrigerator), there are other methods to try.

how to defrost Samsung fridge
how to defrost Samsung fridge

There can be many reasons why your Samsung fridge (refrigerator) may become frostbitten, which we will also look at in this article. But, you need to know how to get rid of frostbite when they form in your fridge (refrigerator). Leaving them in your fridge (refrigerator) could cause damage in the near future.

So, let us find out what causes frost formation in Samsung fridge (refrigerator) and how to defrost Samsung fridge (refrigerator) after bad ice buildup.

How to Defrost a Samsung fridge (refrigerator) – What Causes Frost Formation?

Frost builds up in your fridge (refrigerator) for many reasons. Most of these causes are the result of your daily activities. How you use your Samsung fridge (refrigerator) plays a big part in what goes into it. But, at times frost formation in your Samsung fridge (refrigerator) may not be of any use to you. Nonetheless, let’s take a look at these possible causes of frost formation in your fridge (refrigerator).

1. hot air
This is one of the major reasons for the formation of frost in your Samsung fridge (refrigerator). When the evaporator coil that produces cold air in your fridge (refrigerator) comes into contact with moisture or hot air, ice begins to form. So, how does hot air get into your fridge (refrigerator) in the first place?
When you open your fridge (refrigerator) to take something out, you introduce foreign air. Of course, doing this too soon won’t let all the hot air in, leading to heavy frost. But, when you open your fridge several times a day, you run the risk of getting a nasty frosty wall in there.
So, instead of getting something out of your fridge (refrigerator) every few minutes, have whatever you need for the day. This way, you will keep the amount of hot air entering your fridge (refrigerator) to a minimum.

2. chill level
The level of refrigerant in your fridge (refrigerator) also determines whether frost will form. fridge (refrigerator)s with low refrigerant levels result in improper compression of the refrigerant in the compressor. Therefore, instead of cold gas, hot gas is released.
If your refrigerant is too high, it may leak in liquid form into your fridge (refrigerator)’s coils. It can also cause frost.

3. Damaged parts
If parts of your fridge (refrigerator) are damaged, you may experience frost formation. The most important parts that can lead to frost formation include the defrost thermostat and compressor.
The defrost thermostat is used to regulate the timing of cooling and defrosting. If your Samsung fridge (refrigerator)’s defrost thermostat is damaged, the fridge (refrigerator) keeps your fridge (refrigerator) cold until frost forms.

If you find that frost is forming in your newly purchased fridge (refrigerator), it means that the compressor is most likely broken. When you notice this, call the manufacturers for a replacement. Plus, the self-defrosting freezer stays cold for about 6 to 12 hours before defrosting. They defrost by turning on the defrost heater and turning off the compressor. If the compressor is broken, this process will not happen.

How to Defrost a Samsung fridge (refrigerator) – Do’s and Don’ts of Defrosting

There are several things you shouldn’t try when defrosting your fridge (refrigerator). Apart from this, there are a few things that you need to do to ensure that your Samsung fridge (refrigerator) does not get damaged.
worth doing

I Have all the equipment ready – When it’s time to defrost your fridge (refrigerator), you don’t want to do too much work. Place water and other equipment in your bowl to quickly defrost your Samsung fridge (refrigerator).

Second Multitask When You Have To – So, you just want to sit while the snow melts? No, you shouldn’t do that. While the ice melts, you can take that time to go through the cooler containing the items from your fridge (refrigerator).

iii. clean up after work is done – it is important to clean the fridge (refrigerator) after defrosting; Especially if it is long overdue for cleaning. You can use the wait time to wash glass shelves, clean fridge doors and sides, and remove other parts of the fridge (refrigerator) before defrosting.

1. Ignore the Lightning

You may think that everything is going well until a surge of electric current sweeps you off your feet. How can this happen and how can you stop it?
The first thing you should remember is that you are dealing with an electrical appliance. Another thing you’ll encounter when defrosting is water (a lot of it!).
So, when you’re using items like a hair-dryer to speed up the defrosting process, you risk getting yourself electrocuted. If the dryer is too close to the wall, not only is the fridge (refrigerator) wall likely to burn, but you could be shocked in the process. For these reasons it is important to keep electrical equipment several inches away from the snow.

2. Leave the Door Open
Unless you are using a bowl of hot water to defrost your Samsung fridge (refrigerator), you should keep the door open. You need as hot air as you can get. So, closing your door only allows cold air to circulate in your fridge (refrigerator). As a result, you may not be able to defrost your fridge (refrigerator) for long, and it will be damaged in the process.

3. Watch as Ice Builds
Some users leave their fridge (refrigerator) in place for years without defrosting or cleaning it. Even if you try to keep it a little clean all the time, frost will develop in the fridge (refrigerator) over time. Don’t wait until your fridge (refrigerator) door can’t close until you decide to defrost it. If you wait that long, it will take a few days for your fridge (refrigerator) to defrost successfully.

4. Use Sharp Objects
Some users use just about anything to defrost their fridge (refrigerator), including sharp objects. Perhaps in desperation, they pick up metal blades and other sharp tools to remove these stubborn ice from the walls of their fridge (refrigerator)s. These things are dangerous! Using sharp objects like a knife to scrape off the ice can damage the wall of the fridge and destroy the coils.

Essentials you need to defrost your Samsung fridge (refrigerator)
1. Bucket
2. Old dry towels
3. Medium Sized Bowls
4. A Large Cooler
5. Some washing liquid
6. Plastic Spatula

Want to learn how to set (manual) defrost mode on smart Samsung fridge (refrigerator)s? Then watch this video below for expert tips:

Where Is the Defrost Button on a Samsung fridge (refrigerator)?

There is no precise ‘defrost button’ on Samsung fridge (refrigerator)s. But there is a defrost timer and it can be found on almost every new generation Samsung fridge.
To find out, check the rear of the fridge, the lower kickplate, or the control panel. A defrost timer will have four metal terminals protruding from the bottom. Once you see something like this, know that it is the defrost timer. You can also check your owner’s manual to see what it says about the timer.
The defrost timer will automatically put the fridge into cooling mode and back to defrost mode when needed. Hence, there will be no need to manually press any buttons to defrost your Samsung fridge.

How to Defrost a Samsung fridge (refrigerator) — Steps

1. turn it off
Before you begin cleaning your Samsung fridge (refrigerator), make sure you have turned it off. Keeping the fridge (refrigerator) on when you try to defrost it can cause more frost buildup. For example, if you keep your fridge (refrigerator) running and bowls of hot water on the shelves, you could damage the fridge (refrigerator). While the evaporator coil is trying to release the cold air, steam from the hot water will be trapped on the coil. As a result, frost forms on the coil.
In addition, you may damage your fridge (refrigerator). In the meantime, don’t forget that a fridge (refrigerator) is an electrical appliance, and can cause an electric shock if things get out of hand.

2. Delete All Items
After turning it off, remove all items from your fridge (refrigerator). If you don’t have that many foods in your fridge (refrigerator), you can eat ahead of time for defrosting. But if it takes time to eat it all, get a bigger cooler full of ice. In this cooler you will put all the things you took out of your fridge. Emptying your fridge (refrigerator) gives more space for the defrosting process.

3. Remove Shelves
So, as mentioned above, defrosting your fridge (refrigerator) is the perfect opportunity for you to clean it. But, the shelves in your fridge (refrigerator) can get stuck. If the frosting in your fridge (refrigerator) is very thick, there is a strong chance that it will corrode the sides of your shelves. This makes them difficult to remove. In this case, leave them as long as you continue with the defrost process. After a while, you’ll be able to break the ice around them.

4. Open the Doors
The basic way to defrost your Samsung fridge (refrigerator) is to leave the door open. Since the fridge (refrigerator) is closed, opening the door will let warm air in. This hot air melts the ice on the walls. Now, this can be a somewhat lengthy process, especially if the ice in your fridge (refrigerator) is thick. It may take you a full day (sometimes more) to complete it. Hence, we have provided below activities to speed up this process.

5. Clean
When you are defrosting your fridge (refrigerator), make sure you clean the parts properly. Once you are able to take the shelves out, wash them with soap and water and wipe them down with a clean towel. After defrosting is complete, use some cleaning liquid to clean the inside of your Samsung fridge (refrigerator).

6. Rearrange Samsung fridge (refrigerator)
Before you start rearranging the spares, make sure the fridge (refrigerator) is dry. Keep shelves and drawers where they belong before you return items you removed. You may decide to turn it on first to cool it down before you put your stuff in it, but this process brings hot air into your fridge. As a result, you may have frost buildup again. Instead, put all your items back in the fridge (refrigerator), close the doors and turn it on.

If you also notice ice accumulation and seepage water at the bottom of your crisper tray, you will find this video useful. Check it out!

Here are other things you can do to speed up the defrost process

1. Using a Bowl of Hot Water
This is one of the most popular ways to quickly defrost a fridge (refrigerator). If your shelves are still in the fridge, place a bowl of hot water on each shelf. The steam will heat the ice on the walls. They will expedite the process. But you have to keep changing the water after 10 minutes as the ice will fall in the pot and the water will not be effective.

2. Scraping
Scraping is also a common but risky way to defrost your Samsung fridge (refrigerator). If you want to do this method, make sure you do it well. Use a traditional ice scraper, wooden spoon, or plastic spatula to scrape the ice off the walls of your fridge (refrigerator). Avoid sharp objects to prevent injuries, or to puncture your fridge (refrigerator) walls and gas line.

3. Use a Blow Dryer
It is safe to use a hairdryer to defrost your fridge (refrigerator). Of course, the hair dryer you use must be portable so that it can fit properly into your Samsung fridge (refrigerator). Make sure that

Don’t have water on or near the floor, and keep the hairdryer and cord away from ice.
Make sure you focus on one area at a time, so that your dryer doesn’t overheat. But when the frosting is thin, avoid heating one part of your fridge (refrigerator) too much to avoid damage. Place old towels on the floor of your fridge (refrigerator) to collect the water and ice created by this process.

4. Use the Fan
If you live in a hot climate, using a fan is a great idea. The fan will circulate the hot air in your fridge (refrigerator). For example, if you have a deep freezer in your garage, using a fan will melt the ice faster.

To do this, open your fridge (refrigerator) door and set the fan on the outside of the fridge (refrigerator). Although it may take some time for the ice to melt completely, you’re speeding up the process without doing that much work.

5. Apply alcohol and a warm cloth
Alcohol on a warm cloth breaks the ice in your fridge (refrigerator) much faster. Dip the rag in warm water and then pour alcohol over it. Place the cloth in the fridge on the loose sides of the ice. You will see that these areas start melting rapidly. This method is best for defrosting the fridge (refrigerator) when the ice is thin.

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